Changing the way we live now and in the future for the better. Enjoy confidence & independence with non-intrusive monitoring by making home automation work for your needs.
"In the 25years to 2043 people in the UK aged 85+ is projected to double" Office for National Statistics 2018.
Find out how intelligent living with home automation including fall detection, appliance monitoring, smart energy solutions and notification caller services can improve your or your loved ones confidence at home.

Adapt your home to look after you and provide the confidence to live independently and enjoy life.
Go Home Smart's range of Confidence packages, Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum for Smart Assisted Living are ideal for those that want to be reassured & independent at home.
At the same time, this provides a connection with relatives, whilst it is not a watchful presence.
As life expectancies increase, there is a growing desire by many of us to stay in our own homes. Maintaining self-sufficiency and confidence is important, particularly if some level of care becomes necessary. It is essential for many of us to future proof our homes whilst ensuring it is non-intrusive. Future-proofing does not have to be at the detriment of aesthetics in our homes.
This is where Smart Assisted Living (SAL) comes into its own.
- Maintain privacy
- Reassure carers & relatives
- Help manage potential risks
- Notifications of simple changes that indicate something is out of the ordinary
- Reminders for daily routines
- Assist with daily tasks

Smart Assisted Intelligent Living package
Fall Detection
Electrical Appliance Monitoring
Remote Access for Notifications
Caller Service
Emergency Button
Automated Lighting for Safe Passage
Visual Alerts & Reminders
Home Security & Access
Enhanced Notifications
Heating Control
Electrical Appliance Shut-off
Audible Alerts & Voice Reminders
Access Control